Follow Titouan Millet
Titouan Millet
Titouan Millet
I'm the dazed boy from the
Final Harvest
Let our very last harvest be a bountiful one!
Titouan Millet
Planetary Proverbs
Generate little colourful planets and their dedicated proverbs
Titouan Millet
The Magpie Ditty
A barely interactive ditty about a thieving magpie
Titouan Millet
Mu Cartographer
Experimental Colourful Exploration Machine
Titouan Millet
Ghost Pond
An aquarium of abstract fish.
Titouan Millet
Have a nice ride on Mars
Titouan Millet
A Cosmic Forest
A wandering through sounds and colors
Titouan Millet
I Contemplated the Sun of Limbo
Meet your shadow
Titouan Millet
Hoots in Cage
Cosmic place full of owls...
Titouan Millet
Thunder Plays
A little (not)game about the time I met ghosts in the storm and played with them.
Titouan Millet
Data Stains
Memories are data stains
Titouan Millet
Roses Creator
Crazy digital spirograph roses creator
Titouan Millet